Darren Duncan wrote:
mAsterdam wrote:

Prompted by Darren Duncan's proposal on Relation type objects
I looked at http://dev.perl.org/perl6/doc/design/syn/S06.html
and wondered how Interval type objects would fit in.

I couldn't imagine how. Now that isn't a surprise
(not for lack of imagination but for lack of perl6 knowledge).
I tried to find anything relevant but didn't succeed.

Could somebody provide some clues, please?

Can we first clarify that this describes what you are referring to:


Mathematical concepts never seem to completely
survive implementation in computing, but basically yes,
that was what I was thinking about.

 From what I've read there, I don't see an existing equivalent Perl 6 type.

Some people may confuse it with a Range, but I don't think so since a Range progresses in discrete increments, while an Interval would be continuous.

Moreover, the existing Set wouldn't overlap it because Set deals with a finite collection of discrete members. (Similarly, a Relation is explicitly discrete and finite by definition.)

I assume you aren't referring to the temporal specific thing called an interval.

Date, Darwen and Lorentzos (Temporal data and the relational
model, 2003) build their temporal reasoning on top of
point types and interval types - they require them
allright - but I don't see how interval types (and point
types) require temporal stuff, i.o.w. I don't really
see how they are temporal specific (unless you are
thinking of SQL intervals).

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