Matt Diephouse wrote:
   - languages/forth/
       I was actually the last one to provide a patch to forth (there
were some other commits that modified things like copyright info, but
those don't count). That was 20 months ago. The implementation was
horribly dated then and things are far worse now. It needs to be
reimplemented in order to work. This was dan's beast; I'm sure he
won't care if it's removed.

I was going to suggest keeping an archive of this one outside the repository, but it's only 2 files, so I'll just keep a copy for myself. (I'd like to revive it at some point in PGE/TGE and the old implementation could be useful.)

   - languages/ruby/
       This doesn't appear to have had any work done on it in the
past 3.5 years. It's nothing more than a (partial?) Parse::RecDescent
grammar. Its author is no longer involved with Parrot. It's doubtful
that what's here would be of any use to anyone now.

The Ruby implementation moved out to RubyForge, so this can be deleted. (And even the external implementation needs to be updated.)


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