Andy Lester wrote:
  How do you get authors to actually look at the CPANTS information and
  make corrections?  Well, we like competition.  Make it a game!

So it was you -- or somebody impersonating you on this list -- who
managed to persuade me that actually Cpants being a game was a good

The key is that we're playing for different goals. Schwern was saying that the improvement of the modules is a game. PerlGirl is making a game out of improving the numeric score for her modules, but without any improvement of the module itself.

How does "is_prereq" improve quality?

Or, put differently, how does measuring something that an author can't control create an incentive to improve?

If CPANTS is a "objective" quality measure, then it makes sense. If CPANTS is a quality "game" -- i.e. a friendly competition to improve one's scores -- then it doesn't.

If CPANTS stays with a narrow set of well-defined, objective criteria, then it can serve both purposes. Remove or refine the subjective or hard-to-measure ones and the numerical gaming that doesn't change apparent quality goes away.

David Golden

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