David Golden wrote:

How does "is_prereq" improve quality?

I've mostly ignored CPANTS, in large part because I refuse to include t/pod.t and t/pod_coverage.t in my distributions because they don't pick up the format in which some of my best documentation is written. And refusing to include those tests lowers my "kwalitee" score.

But I do read everything on this list, so I took a look at http://cpants.perl.org/author/JKEENAN tonight for the first time in at least a year.

I was shocked, shocked to see that I was tied for 138th on the hit parade. Little did I dream that my distros had such high kwalitee! What an honor!

More to the point (and to give credit where credit is due), the chart did point to the fact that one of my distros lacked 'use strict;' in its principal .pm package. So I remedied that tonight.

Now, as to "is_prereq": My hunch is that it does not pick up instances where CPAN modules are required in other distributions' *test suites* rather than .pm files. Some of my own code is written primarily to be used in t/*.t files (such as in some of my other distros), not in .pm files -- which means that they would never gain points for "is_prereq" as currently calculated.


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