You should not need "my" on the right side of a ->.  Also, you should
be able to write $arg_for<count> for constant subscripts.


On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 05:32:22PM -0700, Ovid wrote:
: Er, and the first loop is better written as this:
:   for %buckets.values -> my $arg_for {
:       for 0 .. $arg_for{'count'} -> $index {
:           $arg_for{'array'}.push($index * $arg_for{'scale'});
:       }
:   }
: Instead of:
:   for %buckets.kv -> my $bucket, $arg_for {
:       for 0 .. $arg_for{'count'} -> $index {
:           $arg_for{'array'}.push($index * $arg_for{'scale'});
:       } 
:   }
: Cheers,
: Ovid
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