Hi Everyone,
    I never thought that my little script would get such loving
attention least of all from such distinguished members of the
community.  It took me a little while to understand exactly what was
going on but now that I do, it looks very good.
    Thank you again!  It has been very instructive.


On 5/24/06, A. Pagaltzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    my %buckets = (
         w => {
            count => 4,
            scale => 10.5,
         x => {
            count => 6,
            scale => 7,
         y => {
            count => 12,
            scale => 3,
         z => {
            count => 18,
            scale => 2,

    for %buckets.values -> $arg_for {
        $arg_for<array> = [ ( 0 .. $arg_for<count> ) »*« $arg_for<scale> ];

    my int @results;
    my int $target = 35;

    for %buckets<w><array>.kv -> $i, $w {
        say "To 4: $i";
        last if $w > $target;
        for %buckets<x><array>.kv -> $j, $x {
            say "  To 6: $j";
            last if ($w, $x).sum > $target;
            for %buckets<y><array>.kv -> $k, $y {
                last if ($w, $x, $y).sum > $target;
                for %buckets<z><array>.kv -> $l, $z {
                    if( $target == ($w, $x, $y, $z).sum ) {
                        @results.push( [$i, $j, $k, $l] );

    for @results.kv -> $idx, $result {
        say "$idx: $result.join(' | ')";

I assume all those temporaries that I cleaned out were there for
speed, in which case this will run slower, but they were too
unsightly to keep around.

*AUTOLOAD=*_;sub _{s/(.*)::(.*)/print$2,(",$\/"," ")[defined wantarray]/e;$1};

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