"Michael Mathews" schreef:

> [compile down to a *language independent* format]
> So does that mean I can write a module in Perl 6, deliver it to Mr.
> Customer as byte-code. Then Mr. Customer can "decompile"(?) it into
> Python (or JavaScript, or C, etc), edit it, and then compile it back
> into working byte-code again?

No, compiling to bytecode is like a one way street: you will probably
not remain recognizable when you drive it in the opposite way. It is
less hard to go from Perl6-code to Python-code or rather v.v.

But there is no need for all that. Think about the libraries compiled
from C-code that are now linked with Perl5. You can do something
similar with Parrot: create libraries that can be efficiently "linked"
with code written in other languages (that compile to Parrot).

Mixed language source code, even cleaner than the current Perl5 with
Inline.pm, is another feasibility.

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

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