Let me start by admitting that I don't know a whole lot about xUnit testing.
In fact, using Test::Class is really my first exposure to the idea, so
perhaps I'm asking for something that doesn't make sense; please bear with
me in case I am.

Test::Class seems like a great idea for so many reasons, but the one thing
that seems like it ought to be easy to do, but I can't figure out how to
accomplish, is running one unit test (or set of unit tests) by just running
one test method. For example, say I have a test class with fifteen test
methods, but I really only care about one of them right now, they're atomic
after all. Is there an easy way to just run that one test method (as well as
the startup, setup, teardown and shutdown methods) while I'm working on it
rather than running the whole batch? I can vaguely see how I could do it
manually by writing a script to do it for me, but is there some other,
easier way to do this that's built into the module?



Andrew Gianni
Administrative Computing Services
Computing and Information Technology
University at Buffalo
215 MFAC, Ellicott Complex
Buffalo, NY 14261-0026

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