Define "some" please :)

Ricardo has said he is, for example.

And, "improve compatibility" - with broken systems? OMG. :)

You mean we now don't sign packages anymore just because someone isn't able to check the signature? The right way is to tell the user to fix their borken system, not to remove features.

The concept of user being capable of doing ANYTHING is invalid in toolchainland. The user isn't able to, and shouldn't have to, do anything.

Module::Signature is broken, in several ways, on many platforms.

It adds a dependency on a binary application (gpg) that users have to install by hand, doesn't check for the presence of it properly, and if you don't have it, installs an enormous chain of dependencies, with said deps having some major issues of their own.

It's become bad enough that Module::Signature is being pulled from Bundle::CPAN and being disabled by default in, until Module::Signature gets a maintainer capable that can make it somewhat saner. has to work everywhere, and currently Module::Signature is breaking that. So it's getting shelved until it works.

Adam K

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