Michael G Schwern wrote:
On 7/5/06, Jonathan T. Rockway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The thing about using MediaWiki is that it's not written in Perl.  Not
that PHP is bad (ok, yes it is bad...), but doesn't it send some sort of
negative message when Perl QA doesn't use a Perl-based Wiki?

Do I worry that qa.perl.org is running Apache?  That's not written in Perl.
I'm sending mail via GMail, you're using Thunderbird.  Not Perl.
This mailing list is run with ezmlm on qmail.  They're not written in Perl.

What message are we sending using all this non-Perl software?  That we
use the best tool for the job, not the one with the best political
connections.  That we're focused on QA and not in the business of
maintaining MTAs, MUAs, web servers, mailing lists or wikis.

If it bothers you that we're not using a Perl-based wiki, improve the
Perl wikis.  Or think less provincially, its ok to use more than one
language.  Or don't let it bother you.

Honestly, it could be written in COBOL for all I care.  Its well
written, it works well and, thanks to Tyler MacDonald, it works now.

Thank you for those sensible words. This type discussion happens way too often.

There have been several threads lately on wikis. The perl6-user group had a long one; and someone has even offered a bounty for a perl 6 based wiki. Meanwhile they have set up on <http://perl.net.au/wiki/Perl_6>. The maintainers of that site, Australia and New Zealand PM, have made it available to other perl projects as well.

A request for a decent central perl wiki was also requested on the advocacy list where perl.net.au was again mentioned and made available, and Ask mentioned setting a SocialText based wiki for perl:

When Socialtext releases their beta I'm planning to play with it and likely 
setup an instance for the perl community (FWIW).

I don't know much about SocialText. Is there a converter, so that if you put something up temporarily in MediaWiki, it can later be converted and moved to SocialText?


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