On Sat, Jul 08, 2006 at 05:10:57PM -0400, Bob Rogers wrote:
>    And my intended implementation of dynamic-wind actually does require
>    its own stack, separate from the current control stack . ..
> Is there a PDD forthcoming?  If not (or even if so), would you (Allison
> now, presumably?) like help writing it?

As for me, namespaces need to be fully and completely put to bed before I
can move on.

I'd love to do exceptions next, but I suspect that I can't really do
exceptions properly until we have proper dynamic scopes.  EHs may not be
controlled entirely by the general dynamic scope mechanism, but their
definitions and mechanisms for "entering" and "leaving" must be identical.

Personally I'd love to see your interpretation of dynamic-wind in Parrot.
And PDD format is a fine format to present a complete idea so that it can be
easily understood and, perhaps, adopted.

PS: All of this is about foreground projects.  Background and bug fixes
    always go on.
Chip Salzenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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