----- Original Message ----
From: Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The PITA/TestBuilder2 BoF at YAPC::NA (which spent most of its time
> talking about TAP) sketched out a syntax for parsable TAP diagnostics.
>   not ok 2 - omg t3h sooper test!!1!
>   file:        foo.t
>   line:        45
>   description: omg t3h sooper test!!1!
>   got:         this
>   expected:    that
>   raw-test:    is( "this", "that", "omg t3h sooper test!!1!" );
>    x-THAC0:     16

That syntax seems fine and easy to parse.  I have some questions, though.  

1.  I assume that "expected" and "got" must always appear together?
2.  If the diagnostic is present, what's required and what's optional?
3.  I'll wait on asking questions about the subset of YAML until more ideas are 
tossed about.

(by the way, is "not ok" and a skip directive illegal?  I assume so and it 
should be marked as a parse failure)


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