在 2006/7/12 上午 12:33 時,chromatic via RT 寫到:

Because people might write code, by hand, that does careless things
in :immediate subs?

Yes. This is the difference between forcing syntax highlighters, security checkers, dependency analyzers, and refactoring browsers to run rm-rf, and let users run it.

The _entire point_ of static analysis is that you can check for errors and faults before running it, from a safe standpoint. Saying that we kill the analyzers with :immediate in an intermediate language level -- that's meant for compilers to target -- without any useful thing we know of in return, is _very_ different from arguing the same thing for Perl 5. And some of the more dangerous parts of Perl 5 BEGIN -- for example filehandles in it leaking into the generated code, or action- at-a-distance
compilation -- is considered a bug and prevented in Perl 6.


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