----- Original Message ----
From: A. Pagaltzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> so by now we’ve had quibbles about the “irregularity” of `skip`,
> `can_ok` and `isa_ok`, and a suggestion that the test name always
> go first. Conclusion?
> Had they been named parameters, we wouldn’t be having this
> discussion.
> And you know what? We don’t even need Test::More::NextGen to
> implement that. All functions as they stand could unambiguously
> accept a hashref as their single argument.

That's going to cause other problems.

  use Test::Exception;
  lives_ok { @args }; # hashref or coderef?

In any event, one of the reasons why folks are using Test::More and friends is 
because of how easy they are to use.  One of the reasons many non-Perl 
communities are using TAP is because of how easy it is to parse.  Constant 
discussions of limitations need to focus on the ease-of-use combined with the 
flexibility we need.  Using a hashref to enforce named parameters gives us 
flexibility, but certainly not ease-of-use.


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