On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 07:11:15PM -1000, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 07:19:21PM -0700, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
> >  * useless curlies
> >    OTGH, the project needs automated filters for more coding standards,
> >    including one that that notes (and optionally kills) the excess curlies.
> This is a bad joke, right?  How much of your life are you intending to
> spend on chasing down hard to find missing braces bugs?

If avoiding the possibility of hard-to-find bugs, were my priority, I
wouldn't enjoy writing C and C++.  Or Perl.  Or PL/I.

Seriously: I am serious.  Many of the changes I have in mind for the Parrot
source code are based on reducing the visual footprint of constructs without
changing their meaning, and eliminating needless words^Wbraces is one way
to do that.

Anyone who needs braces to avoid/detect errors is probably just not
acclimated to the C language, and/or failing to indent properly (that's what
smart editors are for; no snide Python remarks please).  And Parrot is
written in the complete C language, not some intersection of C and Perl.

I'd rather invest my extra vertical space into some well-chosen comments and
blank lines between phrases, which can convey useful meaning, rather than
braces around one-line if/else clauses, which are just noise.
Chip Salzenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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