I'm going to start working on an AbstractPMCArray PMC class that can
provide some default array vtable functions for other PMCs to inherit.
This will give array classes some functionality for free.
AbstractPMCArray will implement splice, for example, which can be
implemented using an array's external interface.

I would like to add some sort methods as well: quicksort(),
mergesort(), etc. But as methods, there is potential for these to end
up in a user-visible space.

Say for example, that I add a mergesort method to AbstractPMCArray.
Ruby's array class wouldn't be able to use AbstractPMCArray as a base
class because there is no mergesort method on an Array in Ruby.

Tcl has it easy because there's no OO support (everything is a string,
not an object). So we're mainly interested in adding methods that make
our lives easier and don't have to worry about user-visible methods.
And I can imagine that other compiler writers would want to use
methods like these without having to expose them.

One possible route is two implement two classes: an AbstractPMCArray
class that only provides vtable functions and an
AbstractPMCArrayWithMethods class that inherits from AbstractPMCArray
and adds methods into the mix.

But then there's also the question of how FixedPMCArray and
ResizablePMCArray should behave. Should they have methods on them
(which will be user-visible)? They do right now, but that's not
correct if compiler writers are expected to use these as the basis for
their array classes. Would these each need to be split into 2 classes
as well? If so, we'd want to make multiple inheritance really work
with PMCs.

Any thoughts?

Matt Diephouse

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