Am Dienstag, 3. Oktober 2006 01:58 schrieb Karl Forner:
> Hi,
> I coud not find detailed specifications for these PMCs, so I was wondering
> what should happen
> when they are (re)sized.

The Fixed* variants don't resize.
Yes unfilled are is set to the default value. See below

> For example:
>     a = new FixedBooleanArray
>     a = 3
> So a has been (re)sized in order to be able to hold 3 elements, but what
> should be the value of these elements ?

1 bit: 0 or 1

> Do they have a default value ?

Boolean: 0
Int:     0
Float:   0.0

> Should they be marked as "undefined" ?

There's no storage room in e.g. *BooleanArray for that.

> 'cause for now it seems that these PMCs do not implement the "defined"
> interface. Should they ?

Defined doesn't make much sense for native values.

> A last question:
> By looking in the source code, I noticed that the implementation of
> get_integer_keyed_int() in ResizeBooleanArray allows negative indexes
> while not in FixedBooleanArray. Is it expected ?

It ought to be consistent.

> Are there any specs or guidelines for that sort of stuff ?

Not yet AFAIK.

> Thanks,
> Karl Forner


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