Hi all,

I encountered this strange error in pugs (in 6.2.11,6.2.12 and the latest

My first program (lambda1.p6) calculates the factorial of 5 using -> as
lambda functions:

say (-> $n { -> $f { $f($n,$f) }.( -> $n, $f { $n<2 ?? 1 !! $n*$f($n-1,$f)
}) }).(5);
say "OK";
say "OK";

$ pugs lambda1.p6

The second program (lambda2.p6) has the first line repeated as a comment:

say (-> $n { -> $f { $f($n,$f) }.( -> $n, $f { $n<2 ?? 1 !! $n*$f($n-1,$f)
}) }).(5);
say "OK";
#say (-> $n { -> $f { $f($n,$f) }.( -> $n, $f { $n<2 ?? 1 !! $n*$f($n-1,$f)
}) }).(5);
say "OK";

$ pugs lambda2.p6
   Unexpected "$"
   expecting comment, operator, statement modifier, ";" or "}"
   at lambda2.p6 line 3, column 10

So the comment causes an error!
If I uncomment that line, I still get the same error (lambda3.p6):

$ pugs lambda3.p6
   Unexpected "$"
   expecting comment, operator, statement modifier, ";" or "}"
   at lambda3.p6 line 3, column 9

The error is now at column 9 i.o. column 10.

Could anyone shed any light on what's going on here?

pugs Version: 6.2.12 (r13798)
perl v5.8.7
parrot  0.4.6



If it's pointless, what's the point?
If there is a point to it, what's the point?
(Tibor Fischer, "The Thought Gang")

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