I'm finally getting around to sending this patch as requested on IRC... dang commit bits are rare around here ;)

This contains the Makefile, README, .pg grammar, a -harness.pir that executes the parser on a sample string and dumps the parse tree and a -stress.pir that runs 50,000 trial runs to see how fast PGE is (not too shabby is the answer, as it comes in at about 1/2 the time of a P::RD version for the simple example, and gets a bigger lead the more complex the input expression).

What I didn't understand was why -j didn't run any faster than -b in my trials... that seemed odd.
Index: examples/pge/wikipedia/wptest-harness.pir
--- examples/pge/wikipedia/wptest-harness.pir	(revision 0)
+++ examples/pge/wikipedia/wptest-harness.pir	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# This is a simple invoker for the example parser whose grammar is
+# used in the Wikipedia article:
+# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parser_Grammar_Engine
+# This simply runs the parser against a static expression.
+.sub main :main
+    load_bytecode 'dumper.pir'
+    load_bytecode '../../../compilers/pge/PGE.pir'
+    load_bytecode 'PGE/Dumper.pir'
+    load_bytecode 'wptest.pir'
+    .local pmc match
+    .local pmc code
+    .local pmc start_rule
+    code = new .String
+    code = '1+(1+1)'                 # target string
+    print "Parsing simple expression: "
+    print code
+    print "\n"
+    # Find the "expr" node in the parser:
+    start_rule = get_root_global [ 'parrot'; 'Wikipedia::Test'], 'expr'
+    if start_rule goto start_rule_ok
+	printerr "Cannot find valid start rule in Wikipedia::Test"
+	exit 1
+    # And execute it on our text:
+  start_rule_ok:
+    match = start_rule(code)
+    # Now dump the results
+    say "Match results begin:"
+  match_loop:
+    unless match goto match_done
+    _dumper(match)
+    match = match.'next'()                         # find the next match
+    goto match_loop
+  match_done:
+    say "match complete"
+  end
Index: examples/pge/wikipedia/wptest-stress.pir
--- examples/pge/wikipedia/wptest-stress.pir	(revision 0)
+++ examples/pge/wikipedia/wptest-stress.pir	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# This is a simple invoker for the example parser whose grammar is
+# used in the Wikipedia article:
+# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parser_Grammar_Engine
+# This example has been turned into a stress-test to measure
+# parsing speed.
+.sub main :main
+    load_bytecode 'dumper.pir'
+    load_bytecode '../../../compilers/pge/PGE.pir'
+    load_bytecode 'PGE/Dumper.pir'
+    load_bytecode 'wptest.pir'
+    .local pmc match
+    .local pmc code
+    .local pmc start_rule
+    .local int loops
+    .local int i
+    loops = 50000
+    code = new .String
+    code = '1+(1+1+1+1+(1+1+1))+1+1'                 # target string
+    print "Parsing simple expression: '"
+    print code
+    print "' "
+    print loops
+    print "times\n"
+    i = 0
+  loop_start:
+    if i >= loops goto loop_end
+    inc i
+    # Find the "expr" node in the parser:
+    start_rule = get_root_global [ 'parrot'; 'Wikipedia::Test'], 'expr'
+    if start_rule goto start_rule_ok
+	printerr "Cannot find valid start rule in Wikipedia::Test"
+	exit 1
+    # And execute it on our text:
+  start_rule_ok:
+    match = start_rule(code)
+    unless match goto match_fail
+    goto loop_start
+  loop_end:
+    say "Looping complete"
+    _dumper(match)
+    exit 0
+  match_fail:
+    print "Failed to match simple grammar\n"
+    exit 1
+  end
Index: examples/pge/wikipedia/wptest.pg
--- examples/pge/wikipedia/wptest.pg	(revision 0)
+++ examples/pge/wikipedia/wptest.pg	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# A simple test grammar that is used in a Wikipedia article about
+# PGE. See wptest-harness.pir for more detail.
+grammar Wikipedia::Test
+rule expr is optable { ... }
+rule term   { <number> | \( <expr> \) }
+rule number { \d+ }
+proto term: is precedence('=')
+            is parsed(&term) {...}
+proto infix:+ is looser('term:') {...}
Index: examples/pge/wikipedia/Makefile
--- examples/pge/wikipedia/Makefile	(revision 0)
+++ examples/pge/wikipedia/Makefile	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+RM=rm -f
+all: $(PIR)
+$(PIR): wptest.pg
+	$(PARROT) -o $@ $(PGC) $< || $(RM) $@
+	$(RM) $(PIR)
Index: examples/pge/wikipedia/README
--- examples/pge/wikipedia/README	(revision 0)
+++ examples/pge/wikipedia/README	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+This directory contains a very crude example parser that reads a fixed string
+"1+(1+1)" and produces a parse tree. The parser itself is used as an example
+in the Wikipedia article:
+    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parser_Grammar_Engine
+This code is here so that others can benefit from a simple example,
+and so that anyone who updates PGE can see if it affects the ability
+to handle the example given in that article.
+Written in 2006 by Aaron Sherman, and distrbuted under the same terms
+as the rest of the Parrot distribution that this should have come

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