S04 now reads:

However, a hash composer may never occur at the end of a line.  If the
parser sees anything that looks like a hash composer at the end of
the line, it fails with "closing hash curly may not terminate line"
or some such.

    my $hash = {
        1 => { 2 => 3, 4 => 5 },  # OK
        2 => { 6 => 7, 8 => 9 }   # ERROR

I think this is a bit of a problem, since it leads to a number of "looks fine to the uninitiated" errors, and is likely output from code generators. In general, there's just no particularly good answer to "why can't I do that?"

So, why not provide an unambiguous form for all of the sigiled types, leaving {...} as the ambiguous, half-cousin? (note: I don't think I'm the first to suggest this)

Proposal: A sigil followed by [...] is always a composer for that type.

        %[...]  - Hash. Unicode: ⦃...⦄
        @[...]  - Array. Unicode: [...]
         ?      - Seq. Unicode: ⎣...⎤
        &[...]      - Code. Unicode: ⦕...⦖
        |[...]  - Capture. Identical to \(...). Unicode: ⦇...⦈
        $[...]  - Scalar. Identical to item(value). Unicode: ⦋...⦌
        #[...]  - A comment. Just seeing if you're paying attention ;)

So, construction of an anonymous data structure might now look like:

        my $hash = %[
                1 => %[ 2 => 3, 4 => 5 ],
                2 => @[ 6 => 7, 8 => 9 ],
                3 => &[ %[ 10 => 11, 12 => 13 ] ]

Which is also:

        my $hash = ⦃
                1 => ⦃ 2 => 3, 4 => 5 ⦄,
                2 => ⟦ 6 => 7, 8 => 9 ⟧,
                3 => ⦕ ⦃ a => 1, b => 2 ⦄ ⦖

And there is exactly no ambiguity. You can always use the old {...} if you like:

        my $hash = {
                1 => { 2 => 3, 4 => 5 },
                2 => [ 6 => 7, 8 => 9 ],
                4 => { { a => 1, b => 2 }; }

And you get whatever confusion you deserve (I don't even know if that would do what I think it should, to be honest).

As always, I tend to prefer any solution that involves placing the disambiguating bits in the FRONT, rather than at the end. I would expect that compiler-writers feel similarly.

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