From: Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 22:34:33 +0200

   Am Samstag, 14. Oktober 2006 19:48 schrieb Bob Rogers:

   > True, but this is something different. ?Coroutine.pmc is limited in a
   > way that can't be cured by extension.

   [ and a lot more ]

   Thanks for the detailed explanation. I now see the point of a 
   Parrot::Coroutine thingy. 

Great; committed as r14925.

   OTOH I'd still like to have some proposals explaining all the planned use 
   cases (incl. HLL examples) what some more flexible coroutines could do. Some 
   ascii pictures of control flow would be nice to have too.


This sounds more like a coroutine tutorial to me.  I was hoping that the
'SEE ALSO' links in the source would cover that.  Still, I agree it
would be good to have a detailed explanation of how coroutines work in
Parrot terms.

   The problem is that those who don't understand continuations will
have a much harder time understanding coroutines.  So an introduction to
Parrot coroutines probably belongs in the larger context of explaining
continuations in particular and advanced Parrot control structures in
general.  In July, I started writing just such an introduction, but have
made no progress since, for two reasons:  (a) I was waiting to fix some
Parrot misbehaviors first so that the examples would work, and (b)
coding is more fun anyway (and makes my fingers hurt less).

   So I am planning on doing something like this eventually, it's just
taking more time than I would have liked.

                                        -- Bob

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