Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 18:51:03 +0200

   In languages/lua/lib/thread.pir, I create a Lua thread type by extension of 
   So I add a lot of methods for Lua type, but I think that 2 of these methods 
   could be integrated in Parrot::Coroutine :
   - __clone
   - __get_pointer (equivalent of get_pointer() in src/pmc/sub.pmc)


The thread.pir methods you mention are stubs, so I'm not certain what
they should do.

   * Should __clone copy the whole object state, or just the initial
sub, effectively resetting the coroutine to the start?  Methinks the
latter, but I have little practical experience with coroutines.

   * What should __get_pointer return?  The address of the PMC?  If so,
would that be better to implement on default.pmc?

   In any case, I have had to limit my Parrot hacking lately to keep my
hands from hurting [1], so feel free to enhance Parrot::Coroutine as you
see fit.  AFAIK, you're the only one using it at this point, so you
shouldn't need to worry about breaking anything else.

                                        -- Bob

[1]  FWIW, it's not a big deal, and I'm trying hard to keep it that way.

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