Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:
Larry Wall schreef:

> I suspect ordered composition is going to be rare enough that we can
> simply dehuffmanize it to
>     $x does A;
>     $x does B;
>     $x does C;

Maybe use a list-like notation?

What happens when you try to mix ordered and unordered composition?
Under the current syntax, to compose roles A and B together, and then
C once A and B are done, one could say:

   $x does A | B does C;

Under my original suggestion, this would be:

   $x does A does B & does C;

Under Larry's suggestion, this would be:

   $x does A does B;
   $x does C;

How would you handle it?

If ordered composition is something that can be done in a single
statement, then unordered composition syntax needs to be nestable
inside ordered composition syntax - and since the goal here is to have
"does A does B" always represent unordered composition, that's what
would need to nest.


Despite having suggested a possible syntax for ordered composition, I
think that Larry is right in claiming that a sequence of separate
composition statements is more than sufficient in both syntax and
clarity to handle those cases where ordered composition is needed.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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