Am Montag, 30. Oktober 2006 22:53 schrieb Jonathan Worthington:
> Allison Randal wrote:
> > Jonathan Worthington wrote:
> >> I implemented this to test it out and it kinda worked. However,
> >> properties don't get serialized so if you compile the program to a
> >> PBC and run that it doesn't work.
> >
> > Why don't they get serialized?
> I guess, that's just not implemented.

It's at least partially implemented. But I think going via props in that case 
isn't the best way to implement it.

We have basically the problem that classes are only constructed at runtime, 
which has 2 negative impacts: associating the vtable info with the class 
needs some helper storage like the props and namespaces can only be vaguely 
attached to the correct class at runtime too.

To get around that the following came to my mind:

- we create a class when needed during compile time
- it get's a flag set (one of private0..7) not_yet_finished_FLAG or such
- newclass, when checking if a class exists, examines that flag and continues 
adding the runtime information
- the classes constructed in that way are frozen into the PBC


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