Jonathan Worthington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Will Coleda (via RT) wrote:
> So, since we can we can already get the current namespace with:
> current_ns = interp['namespace']
This isn't a full replacement of the functionality we'd "lose", since
you may want to get the namespace of a sub other than the one you're
currently executing. There may already be a way to do that, though...if
not, maybe the sub PMC needs a get_namespace method.

Actually, it already has one.

I vote we change Sub's get_string to return the simple name instead
> of the full name.
Gets my vote too.

Mine too. I almost changed this myself a couple weeks ago.

> Below is a patch to do just that (mdiep++). Hearing no objections
> (anyone?), I'd like to get this into 0.4.10.
> With it applied, there are ~13 core subtest failures, those will need
> to be fixed to expect the new behavior.
Just to be clear - are they tests of what Sub stringifies to rather than
failures as a result of other bits of the core expecting Sub to
stringify to something including the namespace? Not that both can't be
fixed, just curious.

There's some of both, I think. I recently had to change a test to expect the
long name of a Sub because there was no way to get the short name.

Matt Diephouse

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