On Tue, 20 Mar 2007, chromatic wrote:

> On Tuesday 20 March 2007 12:25, Andrew Dougherty wrote:
> > On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, chromatic wrote:
> > > I realize this patch precludes cross-compilation at the moment, but does
> > > it work better for you, Andy?
> >
> > Alas, no.  Here's what I get (again with --verbose=2).  I don't know why
> > it's reporting that the compiler is failling, and I don't know how to
> > coax Configure to give me any more information (short of sprinking
> > printf()s throughout).
> >
> > I can definitely compile that test program with the indicated flags.  I
> > don't have time to look at this further, however.
> Alright, I'll work on a better patch.  We've pulled the previous one from the 
> upcoming release.

Ok.  I've figured out what was going wrong:

+        unless ( eval { cc_build(); 1 } ) {
+            warn "Compilation failed with '$cc'\n";
+            exit 1;
+        }

This has two problems.  First, it ignores the return value of cc_build(). 
That's understandable at the moment since cc_build doesn't seem to have a 
documented return value.  It should, of course.

The second problem is that this construct doesn't check for other errors 
in the eval. Putting in C< warn $@ if $@;> reveals the problem:

    Determining what C compiler and linker to use...Unknown open() mode '>&' 
    at lib/Parrot/Configure/Step.pm line 437.

Configure/Step.pm is apparently using a 3-arg open construct not 
understood by my perl-5.6.2 version.  But according to README: 

    You'll also need Perl 5.6.1 or above to run various configure and 
    build scripts.

The README is also consistent with this line in Configure.pl:

    use 5.006_001;

So all that needs to be straightened out somehow, either by changing the 
3-arg opens or by upping the perl version requirement.

Moving on:

+        unless ( eval { cc_run(); 1 } ) {
+            warn $@ if $@;
+            exit 1;
+        }

This also has the same ignoring-error return problem, but it's more 
serious.  If the program runs but fails (e.g. segfaults, or returns a 
non-zero status) this bit of code happily continues on.  I think it 
probably shouldn't under such circumstances.

Of course, even after fixing those things, it still doesn't even come 
close to working.  More about that tomorrow as I try to sort out all the 
other problems.  Sigh.

    Andy Dougherty              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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