
Moritz Lenz wrote:
> for a few weeks now I haven't been able to complete a single "make
> smoke" in the pugs repository.
> The last test producing an output is:
> t/builtins/strings/uc.t
> #     Actual: ß
> at that point there are no more messages for ~ 10 minutes, and there are
> instances of pugs running, one after the next with different PIDs. 

I just found out that after the smoke test a new smoke.yml is in the
repository's root, but no smoke.html.

The last few lines of smoke.yml are:
            actual_ok: 0
            diagnostics: '  Failed (TODO bug) test
as_readonly.t line 47, column 5-89)\n'
            name: aliases returned by $pair.values should be rw (2)
categorized/value_alias_readonly.t line 47, column 5-89>
            ok: 1
            reason: bug
            type: todo
        exit: 0
        max: 8
        ok: 8
        passing: 1
        seen: 8
        todo: 8
        wait: 0
revision: 15894
smoker: ~
  duration: 1434
  end: 1176407683
  start: 1176406249

I guess that  t/xx-uncategorized/value_alias_readonly.t is indeed the
last test, so the problem seems to be the generation of the HTML report.
Can I somehow convert smoke.yml to smoke.html without doing the full smoke?


Moritz Lenz
http://moritz.faui2k3.org/ -  http://sudokugarden.de/ - http://perl-6.de/

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