This is in response to your being puzzled about the "*(void **)ptr"
statement. I'm going to assume that you know about void/non-void
context in C and that you're already comfortable with the standard
uses of pointers and type casting.

*(type **)ptr_to_type

gives the same effect as:

(type *)(*ptr_to_type)

here's a test case that proves it:

=== BEGIN CODE ===
#include <stdio.h>

void f(int *p) {
     /* "%p\n" would be the 'proper' format string, but I think "%u\n"
      * better illustrates the concept. */
     printf("%u\n", p);

main(int argc, char **argv)
     int x = 77;
     int *ptr = &x;
     f( *(int**)ptr );
     f( (int*)(*ptr) );
     return 0;
=== END CODE ===

mini:~/Desktop rutski$ gcc test.c -o test && ./test
mini:~/Desktop rutski$

The second call to f() works only because the type we're dealing with
is something other than void; in this case it's int. If you tried to
do something like:

f( (void*)(*ptr_to_void) )

then your compiler would first yell at you for trying to dereference a
void* and then it would die when you actually try to use the void
value whcih you got out of it in non-void context:

=== BEGIN CODE ===
#include <stdio.h>
void f(void *p) {
     /* "%p\n" would be the 'proper' format string, but I think "%u\n"
      * better illustrates the concept. */
     printf("%u\n", p);

main(int argc, char **argv)
     int x = 77;
     void *ptr = &x;
     f( *(void**)ptr );
     f( (void*)(*ptr) );
     return 0;
=== END CODE ===

mini:~/Desktop rutski$ gcc test.c -o test && ./test
test.c: In function 'main':
test.c:13: warning: dereferencing 'void *' pointer
test.c:13: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
mini:~/Desktop rutski$

However, notice the first use of f() on line 12 worked just fine! The
first call does in fact compile and print 77; ok... so I didn't paste
the output, but trust me, the first call to f() would print 77.

This works because technically what you're doing is first casing the ptr
to a void**, which is legal; then you dereference your shiny new
void** to get a void* (who's value is 77), which again is completely
legal. You then pass that void* to f(), and it prints it as 77.

So basically you're cheating your way out of dereferencing a void* by
casting ptr to a different type, namely a void**; and that's a perfectly
dereference-able type and it's dereferenced value is perfectly usable.

It's a pretty nifty trick if you ask me ;)

Note that I did _not_ say that the thing pointed to by the void* is
77, I said that the void*'s value is 77.

"But how can the void*'s value be 77!?" you might ask. Well, ptr is a
pointer to a an int value which holds the number 77. No matter how
much you cast it around it will always be a pointer to the int holding

There are two key things to remember. The first is that an object's
type and it's value are two totally separate things. The second is:

"when you dereference ptr, you _always_ get 77; period, end of

If it's still a bit much to wrap your head around then just keep
re-reading the examples I gave while keeping the aforementioned two
points in mind.


On Apr 22, 2007, at 2:18 AM, Joshua Isom wrote:

On Apr 21, 2007, at 8:24 PM, chromatic wrote:

Parrot_alloc_context() performs some calculations about the number of
registers used to determine how much memory to allocate:

    const size_t size_n = sizeof (FLOATVAL) * n_regs_used[REGNO_NUM];
    const size_t size_nip = size_n +
        sizeof (INTVAL) *   n_regs_used[REGNO_INT] +
        sizeof (PMC*) *     n_regs_used[REGNO_PMC];
    size_t reg_alloc = size_nip +
        sizeof (STRING*) *  n_regs_used[REGNO_STR];

Then it calculates a slot value:

    const int slot = (reg_alloc + 7) >> 3;
    reg_alloc = slot << 3;

This is where I start not to understand. Why reg_alloc + 7? Why shift left
and right by 3?

I'm not sure if it is actually doing anything that needs to be that complicated to code that way. It could be able to be written as:

const int slot = (reg_alloc + 7) / 8; /* divide by eight for some reason and round up on remainder */
    reg_alloc = slot * 8; /* reg_alloc is now evenly divisible by 8 */

The difference is that if any of the last three bits are set, the +7 will let it round up, whereas without it it would round down. That's what it does, don't ask me why(other than maybe guaranteeing alignment?). Might be using eight for an eight byte int, but if so, it should be using sizeof(void *) instead, I'm assuming would have been used. Now, slot is multiplied by sizeof(void*) later on, which may be why it's divided by eight in the first place.

The n = slot + 1 I find a little odd, because the number is already rounded up, so it's rounding up and then adding an extra place of memory.

It gets less clear. The interpreter holds a structure for context memory with
a free list (an array of void pointers) and the number of free slots,
presumably in this list.

After all of that calculation of slot, the function uses it as an index into
the free list.

I don't understand that at all.

I do understand the purpose of the resizing code, but not how slot relates to

    if (slot >= interp->ctx_mem.n_free_slots) {
        const int n = slot + 1;
        int i;

        interp->ctx_mem.free_list = (void **)mem_sys_realloc(
                interp->ctx_mem.free_list, n * sizeof (void*));

        for (i = interp->ctx_mem.n_free_slots; i < n; ++i)
            interp->ctx_mem.free_list[i] = NULL;
        interp->ctx_mem.n_free_slots = n;

This is doubly weird because when Parrot initializes the free list in
create_initial_context(), it allocates a small number of free slots:


    interp->ctx_mem.n_free_slots = INITIAL_FREE_SLOTS;
    interp->ctx_mem.free_list    =
(void **)mem_sys_allocate(INITIAL_FREE_SLOTS * sizeof (void *));

    for (i = 0; i < INITIAL_FREE_SLOTS; ++i)
        interp->ctx_mem.free_list[i] = NULL;

The result is that the free_list extends quite a bit over the initial
allocation, but it's mostly just an array of null. It's fairly sparse apart
from that.

Here's another curious thing when allocating a context:

    ptr = interp->ctx_mem.free_list[slot];
    old = CONTEXT(interp->ctx);
    if (ptr) {
        interp->ctx_mem.free_list[slot] = *(void **) ptr;

I wish I could tell you what the assignments to and from ptr do here, but I can't, nor what they signify. There's a similar form to free a context:

        ptr = ctxp;
        slot = ctxp->regs_mem_size >> 3;

        assert(slot < interp->ctx_mem.n_free_slots);
        *(void **)ptr = interp->ctx_mem.free_list[slot];
        interp->ctx_mem.free_list[slot] = ptr;

The *(void **) has been confusing me for a long time. It's also in smallobject.c where a seg fault sometimes happens. But I've never been able to find out how to decipher it. I can look at the dump of it with `objdump -dS src/gc/smallobject.c` but still get lost in it all(although looking at assembly, even intermixed with source code, requires a little too much of an understanding of the machine to figure out).

I originally thought the free_list was an array of recycled contexts to avoid malloc() and free() pairs by reusing already-allocated-but-unused memory, but now I can't tell what it's doing. I tried to change this into a linked list,
but that failed with invalid reads.

I thought it was a list of items to be freed, but that may be a different free_list sadly. We have more than one in parrot.

My best guess is that this is an odd way to store contexts of a specific size in an array structure so that they're reusable with our new variable-sized register sets... but the code is unclear and undocumented. I think it's also
leaking memory.

Enable the context alloc and free, but probably change what's printed to make it easy to run through sort, and it might help, maybe.

I'd like to find a simpler scheme, if it's possible. Otherwise, I'd like to
figure out what's going on so we can at least explain it somehow.

-- c

Rule one of writing in C for a project for many people to code, document the (you decide the explicative) out of it.

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