On Apr 26, 2007, at 8:28 AM, James E Keenan wrote:

Allison Randal wrote:
Nicholas Clark wrote:

I guess that the most obvious current thing that ties Parrot to the Perl community is that Parrot requires a copy of Perl to bootstrap, and all the
build tools are written in Perl 5.
This is slated to change before the 1.0 release.

Since November I've been working on maintaining those of Parrot's configuration and build tools written in Perl 5. Lately I've been trying to recruit others to help in that process. The discussion in this thread suggests that at some future point some or all of the Perl scripts/modules I've been working on will be replaced with ... something else.

This, of course, makes me wonder what I'm doing now and, more importantly, makes me wonder what to say to other people with Perl 5 skills who want to help with the Parrot project.

This is not simply an ego thing on my part. I've written very little of the Perl 5 tools and taken on maintenance of a bit more, but one thing I realize is how much of Parrot's source code is written in Perl 5. How much of that must eventually be replaced?

And who is going to maintain it? In my experience Perl 5 programmers are relatively abundant while C programmers (these days) are rarer. How many people might actually learn the yet-to-be-designed HLL that would presumably replace a lot of the Perl 5 we currently use?

So, can someone draw a roadmap of:

-- *which parts* of Parrot's configuration and build tools *need* to be replaced with something else;

Everything using perl5, since parrot will ultimately help to get rid of perl5, until a perl5 port comes along. You could theoretically use perl6, but that would presently hurt portability(since pugs uses ghc).

-- *why* that replacement is necessary;

There won't be a perl5 to depend on. Currently, building perl5 requires perl5, which can be difficult with porting. Plus parrot's config is greatly dependent on perl's config instead of having it's own config.

-- *when* in the design process that replacement must take place; and

I've never heard of a timetable for this one. I know it's been a goal for a long time now. I've often thought about the various ways to cleanly bootstrap parrot with as few external dependencies as possible, and to make those dependencies as generic as possible. But I have so little time available so have never got to the point of actually coding to see how to do a clean bootstrap, so no reliance on an installed perl or parrot.

-- *how* that replacement will be maintained going forward from there?

With the right abstraction in the right points, a proper directory layout, and good documentation, it'll be good. Plus, starting from scratch is always a good thing, sometimes...

If this is already discussed in some of the design documents, I would appreciate a link. Thank you very much.


I think the first step would be to decide how to bootstrap a miniparrot easily, either via a generic makefile and a predefined config.h, or a c program to probe and build whatever. Actually implementing that step wouldn't need to be immediate. Then to figure out what the bare minimum of parrot would be needed, most likely be writing a Configure.pir set of code(and if we abstract enough, other programs like perl6 and ruby would use it for whatever configuration they need, such as for building dynoplibs and dynpmcs). Then we'd just need to build a parrot that can support just that, which wouldn't require any jit, or cgp cores, or have to deal with threading. Plus that so called miniparrot could also be used some for an embedded parrot.

After knowing what's needed to configure for parrot, the next step is probably the build tools. We know we our aim is to replace perl5 in the long run, and that perl5 won't be available eventually(how many systems contain perl4?).

Other than "parrot will eventually use miniparrot to configure and built itself" I don't believe there's been a lot of discussion of just how to go about it. All I've had time to do is ponder how to do it cleanly.

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