* Moritz Lenz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070622 09:16]:
> Damian Conway wrote:
> > Would the following syntax suffice?
> > 
> >     method isValidPostalCode(str $postalcode) returns bool {...}
> >     =PURPOSE  Check weather the postal code confirms to the standards
> >     =ARG $postalcode
> >         a string with blanks trimmed.
> >     =RETURN
> >         the string is not cleaned-up.
> > 
> > Because you can already do precisely that in the current design of Pod 6.
> I really like that example.
> And it makes me think that some of this discussion results from
> insufficient Pod 6 knowledge, simply because we haven't read enough real
> Perl 6 that is annotated with Pod 6.

No, no... although you can create lines of text which are alike, the
whole meaning of these lines and needs for the processing tools behind
this is very different.  Our discussion has always been about that:
how much info can the tools produce automatically: is POD6 integrated
with Perl6, or only (accidentally) sharing the same file.

       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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