(Sorry for personal message previously, now my answer to the list)

Juerd Waalboer wrote:
> Moritz Lenz skribis 2007-07-10 12:43 (+0200):
>> $ p6explain '[]'
>> [...] can be
>>      * '[$expression]': access to one or more array elements if used as
>>        postcircumfix
>>        Example: @a[2]; # access the third element of an array @a
>>      * '[$operator]': the 'reduce' hyper operator
>>        Example: [+] (1, 2, 3); # gives 1 + 2 + 3 == 6
>> In a regex/rule:
>>      * '[$subregex]': groups the content of the brackets without
>>        capturing the match result of $subregex
> I had the same idea, but in wiki form, with a clickable map of
> characters for the curious.

I think the clickable map can easily be generated from the database, but
I'm not really convinced that a wiki is the right idea. (Most wikis tend
to look horrible, and that's a show stopper for me. Of course that can
be dealt with, but it makes me like wikis less ;)

> The idea is basically: categorize by unicode symbols, and then describe
> how they're used, in any context.
>>   * Multiple frontends: I'd like to have at least a command line and a
>>     web frontend
> A command line tool could just do the equivalent of
>     w3m -dump wiki.perl6.example.com/symbol/*

right, basically ;)

>>   * Perhaps support for other programming languages as well
> Third system syndrome? :)

Let's implement the first system first, and make it easily extensible.
For example a different "dictionary" for ever combination of human and
computer language (perl6-en-base, perl6-en-regex, python-nl-base, ...)

>>   * Anything else that should go into the requirements?
> Ultra easy contribution with revision control.

Aye. First place to start with would be the pugs repository (which seems
to be the collection of most perl6 related projects anyway)

>>   * Is it possible to implement it satisfactory without building a p6
>>     compiler?
> Yes. Just match individual literal symbols. Someone looking for * should
> encounter all uses of *, including ** and **{}. 

that's probably the way to go, yes.

>>   * Do you have a good idea for a project name?
> I had "Decrypt" in mind. (http://decrypt.perl6.nl/*)

I'd like the name if there weren't a few disadvantages:
 * it is used in many other context and therefore not good googlabel
 * it suggests that Perl 6 is cryptic (which it's not most of the time;)
 * On my system there is already a `decrypt' executable (from the
   `airsnort' package)

I thought about p6explain (or something similar like p6plain (pronounced
pi sixplain)), but both sound witless.


Moritz Lenz
http://moritz.faui2k3.org/ |  http://perl-6.de/

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