Dave Whipp wrote:
> Steffen Schwigon wrote:
>> Do you think it's possible to extract and collect all the operators
>> and descriptions from the synopses into one common place?
> The problem with that is that it wouldn't scale to user-defined 
> operators/macros. 

You're probably right about that, but somebody who writes his own macros
and operators probably doesn't need such a tool anyway. And should write
very good documentation, otherwise he has lost outright.

> I think the way to approach it would be to define a 
> POD6 dialect what provides the necessary markup. The standard grammar 
> would contain this, as would things like prelude. But anyone would be 
> able to add it to any code they distribute so as to provide more 
> comprehensive debug info.

Of course that would be the best solution, but I don't see how I can
implement that soonish. Do you have good idea how to do it?


Moritz Lenz
http://moritz.faui2k3.org/ |  http://perl-6.de/

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