Moritz Lenz wrote:

Steve Pitchford wrote:
Moritz Lenz wrote:
First of all I hope there are no objections against fiddling with

My approach so far (see <>)
has been to write blocks for each token like so:

key:  *
name: Regex Quantifier *
dsl:  Regex
syn:  <token>*
desc: matches <token> zero or more times
ex:   'ab'*  # matches the empty string, ab, abab, ababab, ...
link: S05:somwhere

A problem with this might be the lack of multiple language support - especially for the description.

I'm not sure if you would want docs expanded to huge size to fit every language in the sun and beyond, but can see real strengths in allowing it to be inline in order to "get it done".

Right. Since English is unofficially Perl's official human language (the
specs are in English), it might be a good idea to keep the English
version in place, and find a good way to synchronize other languages.
For example the combination of 'name' and 'key' (or token name and key)
should be uniq for each token, so it could be handled as a reference for
other human languages.

What might be nice ( from my perspective - others may hate it ) is assigning a URI to each unique instance, so that multiple language support could be tagged on afterwards, and it could also help with the link section ( or replace it by reversing the link to many to one rather than one to one ) - if the synopsis were adjusted to reference these URIs then the linking info would flow back in the other direction?

I don't like the idea of fiddling with the synopsis (because it makes
"my" project seem "official", which makes me "responsible" which I don't
like atm ;-). And with URIs you always have to take care that they are
not broken. I know that the same applies for using name+key as a
reference/anchor, but it's not a problem for the English version at least.

Sorry - I should have been clearer.

I was refeering to using URIs in a similar way to xml for namespace declaration -

So that there doesn't actually need to be anything to link to, and broken links are therefore irrelevant - it just seems a nice way of assigning a unique code to all of these operators ( which might offer advatages
to the name + key combination )

I can see your point on the synopsis and appreciatte that it isn't the right time to be considering any modifications.


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