Joshua Hoblitt wrote:
The issue is here is that there is nothing in's output to
correlate the package name of the step with the output seen from a
typical run.

For example, say the test that outputs "Determining architecture, OS and
JIT capability......................." is failing for some reason so you
want to run it verbosely?  Unless you are one of the PI number of people
in the world that has fiddled with the configure steps your not going to
know that steps package name is 'auto::jit'.

I suspect, however, that the number of people in the world who at any moment *do* fiddle with the configure steps is a low multiple of PI -- and that they know where to look up the names of the steps (Parrot::Configure::Step::List).

The current system lets
you run that step verbosely with just `perl
--verbose-step=jit` and it just works.

But what if you say: 'perl --verbose-step=Determining' ? Then you get more than you want. There's no requirement that the author/maintainer of a config/*/*.pm package provide a $description that unambiguously distinguishes that step from all others.

Possible ways forward:

1) Do nothing and document the behavior

2) add an additional test for a step with a package name matching the
string passed to --verbose-step

This is what particle was expecting to happen. It's what I thought should have been happening -- even though upon re-reading the output of --help I can see that your interpretation is not unreasonable.

3) remove the "description" matching functionality

4) 2 & 3

5) remove --verbose-step altogether

6) remove the --verbose* options and just write a 'config.log'
on every run that can be searched with your text editor for choice.
        - removes code
        - removes complexity
        - is helpful for user support, "please send me your config.log file"

This, of course, is not so much a fix for the current problem as a request for a new feature, which should go into a separate RT. It sounds both desirable and feasible. (My recent addition of Parrot::Configure::Trace works somewhat the same way, logging the internal development of the P::C object over the course of the steps.)

7) have ever[y] configure step print its package name as part of its

I'm thinking that this is a happy compromise between the 'provide the step::name only' and 'provide something that appears in the description' position. What the user would type to request verbosity would be fairly self-evident.


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