On 27/08/07, Ron Blaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paul Cochrane wrote:
> > On 27/08/07, Ron Blaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Paul Cochrane wrote:
> >>> On 26/08/07, chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>> On Sun, Aug 26, 2007 at 11:14:11AM -0700, Paul Cochrane wrote:
> >>> Ok, I'll just tell the Coverity thing to ignore that particular warning.
> >> Just curious, but could you please post the exact wording of the warning?
> >
> > Sure.  I'll have to piece this together a bit from the various pieces
> > of info from the web app output, so please, bear with me.
> >
> > Warning:
> > File: compilers/imcc/optimizer.c
> > Function: constant_propagation
> > Description: Using freed pointer "(ins)->next"
> [snip]
> Many thanks Paul.  The error message talks about "(ins)->next".  There
> are two of those in constant_propagation.  Coverity does not show line
> numbers, does it?  Is there any way to dump the sequence of statements
> that triggers the error report?
> line 593:
>     for (ins = unit->instructions; ins; ins = ins->next) {
> line 612:
>             for (ins2 = ins->next; ins2; ins2 = ins2->next) {
>                         ^^^^^^^^^
> I don't have time right now to wrap my brain around this right now, but
> I'd like to think this through before dismissing it.  The two loops with
> C<ins> and C<ins2> do make me a bit uncomfortable, if it's a false
> positive I'd really like to know why.  But don't let me hold you up on
> this, continue as you see fit.

Ron, this is no problem at all :-)  I'll try to add some more context.
 Here is the relevant section highlighted by Coverity:

Event alias: aliasing "(ins)->next" with "ins2"
Also see events: [freed_arg][use_after_free]
At conditional (1): "ins2 != 0" taking true path

512                 for (ins2 = ins->next; ins2; ins2 = ins2->next) {

At conditional (2): "(ins2)->type & 16777216 != 0" taking false path
At conditional (3): "(ins2)->bbindex != (ins)->bbindex" taking false path

513                     if (ins2->type & ITSAVES ||
514                         /* restrict to within a basic block */
515                         ins2->bbindex != ins->bbindex)
516                         goto next_constant;
517                     /* was opsize - 2, changed to n_r - 1
518                      */

At conditional (4): "i >= 0" taking true path
At conditional (8): "i >= 0" taking true path
At conditional (14): "i >= 0" taking true path

519                     for (i = ins2->n_r - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

At conditional (5): "strcmp == 0" taking true path
At conditional (9): "strcmp == 0" taking true path
At conditional (15): "strcmp == 0" taking true path

520                         if (!strcmp(o->name, ins2->r[i]->name)) {

At conditional (6): "instruction_writes != 0" taking false path
At conditional (10): "instruction_writes != 0" taking false path
At conditional (16): "instruction_writes != 0" taking true path

521                             if (instruction_writes(ins2,ins2->r[i]))
522                                 goto next_constant;

At conditional (7): "instruction_reads != 0" taking false path
At conditional (11): "instruction_reads != 0" taking true path

523                             else if (instruction_reads(ins2,ins2->r[i])) {
524                                 IMCC_debug(interp, DEBUG_OPT2,
525                                         "\tpropagating into %I register %i",
526                                         ins2, i);
527                                 old = ins2->r[i];
528                                 ins2->r[i] = c;
529            /* first we try subst_constants for e.g. if 10 < 5 goto next*/
530                                 tmp = IMCC_subst_constants(interp,
531                                     unit, ins2->op, ins2->r, ins2->opsize,
532                                     &found);

At conditional (12): "found != 0" taking true path

533                                 if (found) {
534                                     prev = ins2->prev;

At conditional (13): "prev != 0" taking true path

535                                     if (prev) {

Event freed_arg: Pointer "ins2" freed by function "subst_ins" [model]
Also see events: [alias][use_after_free]

536                                         subst_ins(unit, ins2, tmp, 1);
537                                         any = 1;
538                                         IMCC_debug(interp, DEBUG_OPT2,
539                                                 " reduced to %I\n", tmp);
540                                         ins2 = prev->next;
541                                     }
542                                 }

The line numbers will be a little bit out due to this being relative
to the 0.4.13 release of Parrot, but this should still give you enough
context (I hope) to work out what's going on.


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