Is anyone else seeing a large # of copies of ptc's messages to p2 lately?

On Sep 15, 2007, at 11:12 AM, Paul Cochrane wrote:

Hi everyone,

I finally managed to get the 'make cover' target working so that we
can now see the test coverage of the C-language parts of Parrot.
kid51++ (Jim Keenan) has been kind enough to give me space on his web
server to put the current coverage results, which you can find here:

(or by following the Code Coverage link on the Parrot Wiki).

This is, incidentally, where the Perl-language configuration and build
test coverage is hosted.

We're currently at 42% coverage :-(  (this is on by Gentoo Linux x86
machine, YMMV).  At least we now know where effort can be put to
improve things :-)

Anyway, have fun, and a good weekend!


Will "Coke" Coleda

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