On Friday 19 October 2007 09:30:31 Bernhard Schmalhofer wrote:

> Why should it be a TODO test?

For one, there's no ticket for it.

For two, allowing known failing bugs is the Broken Windows anti-pattern.  Not 
only does it undermine confidence in the software (oh, still broken!) but it 
adds noise that makes it far more difficult to know if a change introduced a 
new bug (which tests were failing?  1, 3, and... oh forget it!)

> As far as I see, it exposes a real bug. So I want a red light going on.

That's why we have the bug tracker.

> TODOing known bugs for a release is a different issue.

I don't see why.  I'd like to see Parrot be in a releasable state with every 
checkin.  That's why we have the tests.

-- c

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