Trey Harris wrote:

In a message dated Tue, 4 Dec 2007, cdumont writes:

oh, it might not be relevant in many ways but :

There's one thing I would like perl6 to shine in, is web and open source.
I know it's not the purpose of the language
and that the above articles are placed in a particular
context but I guess this can explain to some extends
why both perl don't have a widespread use in entreprise
and in open source project
(I have looked for them but they are little and some of them
like movable type moves to php at each upgrade)

May I divert from where this discussion would clearly go if your comment were directly responded to (into a massive flame-fest, that is) just to point out that this is not the purpose of the p6-l@ list?

This list is to discuss the Perl 6 core language.

The very notions of "enterprise" use and "open source" use and "web" use are so amorphous that it is hard to imagine core language features that would foster or discourage them. A language is an ecosystem, and it's hard to argue that Perl has done poorly in any of the three; the fact that other languages may currently have more forward momentum reflects, as much as anything else, that Perl reached saturation in these areas many years ago.

If you want to make specific recommendations with regards to the language Perl 6, go ahead. But a free-for-all on Perl's successes and failures in particular arenas is not what this list is for.



Where can I find a mailing list that is about Perl 6 in general then?

Thank you.

シリル・デュモン(Cyrille Dumont)
our work is the portrait of ourselves
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