herbert breunung wrote:

Mark J. Reed wrote:

I do think It Would Be Nice If there were a native Perl6
DRY/MVC/OMG/WTF/BBQ webapp dev framework ready to go (go where? into a
webapp-oriented P6 distro, natch) around the same time that the lang
itself is done.
I imagine a port of Catalyst would fit the bill nicely.

As far as i remember sri intended to be the next big version number of catalyst a p6 port and prepared
some things for it, but as we all know sri is no longer the boss there.


If you look at the modules these frameworks use,
you will see that some of them are always the same:

DBI for DB access
Cache::Cache for caching
CGI (and CGI::Fast) well...
TT, Mason for templates
CGI::Session for persistence
Most of them incorporate
Localization tools
I don't list the ORM tools as they are too numerous and none seems to stand out.
I guess that all these frameworks tend to respond to needs that perl alone
do not handle and doesn't offer : interoperability.
Abstracting the module but keeping the final aim is a good way to see
what todays web app needs.
Old is the time when you could say :
write a quick and dirty cgi to send an email.
perl6 can be the kernel from which you built upon,
Red hat, Fedora... like idea.
this kernel is in itself within an other one that gives the global context
I guess this make too much things to resolve.
unless some very common needed features are to some extends
recommanded as a 'should be' and not even a 'must be',
the TMTOWTDI could lead to an unfortunate end.

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