On Fri, Dec 21, 2007 at 01:30:42AM -0700, Kevin Tew wrote:
> I'm working on http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48631
> I've added parsing of :namespace to imcc, now I'm trying to figure out 
> what I'm suppose to do differently when :namespace is present in a 
> methods prototype.
> I thought I was suppose to add the :method to a namespace, but that 
> seems to already work.

Hmm, you seem to be right.  I could've sworn that I ran into
problems that indicated that :methods weren't automatically going
into the namespace, even as recently as last week, but now I
can't seem to reproduce the problem.  

I think I must have misinterpreted some problem in the past 
as being due to a missing namespace entry, when it may have been
something else.  (Looking in the wrong namespace comes to mind.)
So, it looks like Parrot already does what I need as its current
default behavior.

My apologies for sending you on a false errand, and you have my
gratitude for helping to resolve it so quickly.


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