On Fri, Dec 21, 2007 at 01:30:42AM -0700, Kevin Tew wrote:
I've added parsing of :namespace to imcc, now I'm trying to figure out what I'm suppose to do differently when :namespace is present in a methods prototype. I thought I was suppose to add the :method to a namespace, but that seems to already work.

The relevant code is the 'set_pmc_keyed_str' vtable function in src/pmc/namespace.pmc. After inserting a method or vtable override, it used to skip the rest of the routine and so not insert the namespace entry. Not sure when the code changed, but it doesn't particularly matter.

What the code should do is note that the namespace entry was inserted as a method or vtable override, maybe by setting an integer flag, and then at line 289 check the flag and return if it's true. (It can't just return immediately, because some entries are both vtable overrides and methods.)

I think I must have misinterpreted some problem in the past as being due to a missing namespace entry, when it may have been
something else.  (Looking in the wrong namespace comes to mind.)
So, it looks like Parrot already does what I need as its current
default behavior.

It was set that way in the past, which may have caused an earlier problem. But, if you don't actually need the feature now, we won't add the flag.


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