Allison Randal wrote in perl.perl6.internals :
> In the Python test suite, there's a single global location to declare a 
> list of test files that are expected to be skipped on a particular 
> platform. This has a much cleaner feel than our own motley collection of 
> skip and todo markers in various test files.

That assumes that tests are skipped per file, which is not always the
case (sometimes you want to skip only one test, sometimes even to work
around an OS bug that appears only in one specific version). But
reorganizing platform-dependent tests might be a good idea.

I (mostly on behalf on P5P) would find it interesting to see how that
turns out to be implemented in parrot's test suite, so we can blatanly
copy the good ideas and avoid the pitfalls :)

The man does not exist who, outside his own specialty, is not credulous.
    -- Borges

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