A possible scheme might be a directory hierarchy matching the OS/CPU
combination, e.g. Linux/x_86, Linux/i_64, Solaris/Sparc, containing dummy
files whose names match the processes NOT to be run for that environment.
(The precise structure would depend on which combination required the
fewest cases; it's dictated by the data.)

Overall, I don't think directory divisions are the way we want to go. For tests, you're mostly running the same tests on all architectures, and over time you want to move toward no skips on any platforms. So, it's best to keep the permanent directory structure reflecting a logical grouping of tests by feature, rather than the temporary categorization of which tests to skip.

For configuration, you're generally running a series of checks to find out what the particular architecture/compiler/etc combination will support. Some file-based divisions are in order (e.g. using a different set of threading headers on windows than on linux), but the configuration process itself is better divided as a logical grouping of checks (as it currently is).

Does this sound plausible and portable enough to be worth prototyping?

We'll leave prototyping for after the 1.0 release. (For now we're keeping development efforts focused on the milestones for that release.)


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