On Mon Jan 14 07:41:36 2008, doughera wrote:

> Apparently not.  I am looking at the case where I have neither svn nor
> svk
> nor git available in $PATH.
> During the original Configure.pl run, I see:
>     Determining whether (exuberant) ctags is
> installed......................no.sh: svn: not found
>     sh: git: not found
>     sh: svk: not found

This one I find very puzzling.  config/auto/ctags.pm makes no reference
to any version control system.  Nor does it appear to use
Parrot::Revision.  It uses two utility subroutines from
Parrot::Configure::Utils, capture_output() and _slurp() but I don't see
any reference to version control systems or Parrot::Revision in them.

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