Joshua McAdams wrote:
g++-4.0 -o myops_ops.bundle myops_ops.o  -L/opt/local/lib
-L/usr/local/lib -L/Users/joshua/Development/parrot/blib/lib
-flat_namespace  -L/opt/local/lib
-L/Users/joshua/Development/parrot/blib/lib -bundle -undefined
suppress -L/Users/joshua/Development/parrot/blib/lib -lparrot

By the way, is it suspicious that /opt/local/lib is included before
/usr/local/lib and that /opt/local/lib is included twice?  I'm
wondering if darwinports is interfering with the compilation.

It does cause a light bulb in my tired brain to begin glowing dimly. IIRC, sometime in the last month I added some code to one of the config step classes to preclude the possibility of a flag being added more than once to a string of flags. But I don't recall exactly where I did that; will have to research it.

In any case, you can use Parrot::Configure::Trace to trace how a particular Parrot::Configure object attribute develops over the course of the 60+ configuration steps. My guess is that you'd want to look at 'ld' and 'ldflags', perhaps others.

We've had enough experience with Fink to warrant extracting Fink-related code from 3 different config step classes and put it in a step of its own, and we have a little macports-specific code in config/auto/ -- but we have no darwinports-specific code in the configuration system.


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