> From: Gabor Szabo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 2:04 PM
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 7:38 PM, Dave Rolsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, 21 Feb 2008, Joshua Gatcomb wrote:
> >
> >  > I am mostly ignoring the rest of what others have said in this
> thread
> >  > because I think it is detracting from your intention of getting
> money to
> >  > people to work more.  Here is one thing that has frustrated me
> about TPF.
> >  > They are a non-profit organization.  Yeah, kind of suprising that
> would be
> >  > the frustrating thing.  The issue is that they can't take money
> from Bob to
> >  > give to Sue to work on Bob's widget.  This is an extreme
> oversimplification
> >  > but in general, they have to abide by the rules that allow them to
> keep
> >  > their non-profit status.  Where am I going with this?
> >
> >  This doesn't make any sense to me. There's nothing about being a
> nonprofit
> >  that prevents TPF from accepting donations targeted to a specific
> program.
> >  There's a bit of accounting overhead to make it happen, but it's
> perfectly
> >  legal and in keeping with TPF's 501c3 status and its mission.
> I don't know but I think I was told at least once that TPF cannot
> handle donations
> targeted to a specific person. That might of course be different then
> targeting
> at specific program, I am not familiar what 501c3 means.
> Personally - and there might be few others - I'd be much more
> comfortable to give
> money to a specific target or person than to a general pool.
> What I was hoping for a long time is to be able to give a modest amount
> on a monthly basis. Currently AFAIK TPF can only accept stand alone
> payments.
> IMHO many people in the community would be ready to give 5-10-20
> USD/month but
> it would be much harder to get them give 100 or 200 USD once a year.
> How hard would it be to enable (Paypal?) recurring monthly payments to
> TPF?
> How hard would it be to allow people to target their money to a
> specific project/person?
> TPF can then still focus on raising money from corporations.

Good ideas/questions. 


A couple of quick comments (for everyone):

(1) Richard Dice (TPF) recently left for a week of $work travel and might
not be able to reply for a while, so please be patient and considerate.

(2) Please direct all follow-ups to just the perl6-users list.
My apologies to others with likewise-cluttered in-boxes for neglecting
to request this in my initial post.

Meanwhile, thanks for everyone's suggestions. 

I'm sure that we'll eventually see some major improvements,
one way or another.

Best regards,
Conrad Schneiker


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