Am Samstag, 12. April 2008 02:27 schrieb chromatic:
> I've committed a couple of minor optimizations which speed up Rakudo and
> Perl OO in general by about 35%.  There may be a few more lurking, but I
> keep running into three spots which dominate most of the other optimization
> strategies I might pursue.
> 1) The Garbage Collector is algorithmically inefficient.  There are various
> potential optimization strategies here which don't require us walking every
> allocated header in the system multiple times (yes, it's that bad in at
> least two places), 

Last time I looked at it, a header isn't "walked" if the live bit is already 
set. pobject_lives() will be called, yes, but that was a macro in very former 
times and cheap for the common case, when the live bit is already set.

> but the real solution I suspect is to replace the 
> current GC with at least the one specified in the new GC PDD.

Which pdd are you refering to? I don't see any substantial text in 

> The two worst spots are turning off the live flag (and destroying
> everything with a custom destroy flag) and dividing newly-allocated memory
> pools into headers and manually adding each header to a linked-list of free
> objects.

A bitmap handling for live flags was in the code base ~1.5 yrs ago. You could 
look at svn diffs near:

r14799 | leo | 2006-09-30 12:38:35 +0200 (Sa, 30 Sep 2006) | 4 lines
r14798 | leo | 2006-09-30 11:24:49 +0200 (Sa, 30 Sep 2006) | 6 lines

[GC] remove ARENA_DOD_FLAGS code

I've removed it, because I couldn't measure any remarkable performance 

> Flag marking would be much cheaper (and likely cache-friendlier, though I
> haven't done the math to make sure of this) 

See above.

> The free object list is the reason that compacting/copying collectors are
> popular,

[ ... ]

Copying collectors need another indirection in PMC allocation, as a PMC isn't 
allowed to move - external C code might have stored a pointer to a PMC. Did 
this philosophy change somewhen?

Anyway, due to better cache locality and in combination with diffently sized 
PMCs a copying collector could be faster I'd estimate.

> With that all said, one good optimization is to allocate fewer PObjs


> -- c


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