
I'm looking for answers/clarification on what (if taken as individual programs) $x is in each case.

my Int $x;         # $x is Int protoobject
say $x;              # Int
say $x.WHAT; # Int

class Foo { }
my Foo $x;   # $x is Foo protoobject
say $x;          # Foo
say $x.WHAT; # Foo
# This means we can only assign to $x something that isa Foo?

role Bar { }
my Bar $x;   # $x is ???
say $x;          # ???
say $x.WHAT; # ???
# This means we can only assign to $x something that does Bar?

subset EvenInt of Int where { $_ % 2  == 0 };
my EvenInt $x;  # $x is ???
say $x;              # ???
say $x.WHAT;  # Failure?
# This means we can only assign to $x something that matches the constraint

class Dog { }
class Cat { }
my Dog|Cat $x;  # $x is ???
say $x;               # ???
say $x.WHAT;  # Failure?
# This means we can only assign to $x something that isa Dog or isa Cat



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