On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Frederik Schwarzer
> Hi,
> there is something I do not understand.
> I reduced the code to a minimal case.
> If I do:
>    my $a = 23;
>    my $b = $a;   # copy
>    $a = 42;
>    say $b;   # 23
> $b is 23,
> and if I do:
>    my $a = 23;
>    my $b := $a;   # reference
>    $a = 42;
>    say $b;   # 42
> $b is 42 because it is just a reference to $a.
> But if I do:
>    my @arr = (23, 42);
>    my $temp = @arr[0];   # copy?
>    @arr[0] = @arr[1];
>    say $temp;   # 42
> $temp is 42 ...
> I expected $temp to be 23 here.
> Am I missing something?
> Regards,
> Frederik

Which implementation of Perl 6 are you using here? In Rakudo,
everything works as you describe except for the last example which
dies on the last line with:

Scope  not found for PAST::Var '$temp'
current instr.: 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;panic' pc 156

Will "Coke" Coleda

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