I'd like to get some feedback on this commit regard platform

I could only test it on linux, so I'm not sure what could break.
(One comment inline in the diff below)

> Author: moritz
> Date: Wed Jul  2 03:34:59 2008
> New Revision: 28944
> Added:
>    trunk/languages/perl6/tools/autounfudge.pl   (contents, props changed)
> Modified:
>    trunk/MANIFEST
> Log:
> [rakudo] add tools/autounfudge.pl
> Modified: trunk/MANIFEST
> ==============================================================================
> --- trunk/MANIFEST    (original)
> +++ trunk/MANIFEST    Wed Jul  2 03:34:59 2008
> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>  # ex: set ro:
>  # $Id$
>  #
> -# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Wed Jul  2 08:40:48 2008 UT
> +# generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Wed Jul  2 10:46:48 2008 UT
>  #
>  # See tools/dev/install_files.pl for documentation on the
>  # format of this file.
> @@ -2002,6 +2002,7 @@
>  languages/perl6/t/pmc/mutable.t                             [perl6]
>  languages/perl6/t/pmc/mutablevar.t                          [perl6]
>  languages/perl6/t/spectest_regression.data                  [perl6]
> +languages/perl6/tools/autounfudge.pl                        [perl6]
>  languages/perl6/tools/fudge_purity_inspector.pl             [perl6]
>  languages/perl6/tools/progress-graph.pl                     [perl6]
>  languages/perl6/tools/test_summary.pl                       [perl6]
> Added: trunk/languages/perl6/tools/autounfudge.pl
> ==============================================================================
> --- (empty file)
> +++ trunk/languages/perl6/tools/autounfudge.pl        Wed Jul  2 03:34:59 2008
> @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
> +#! perl
> +# Copyright (C) 2008, The Perl Foundation.
> +# $Id$
> +
> +=head1 NAME
> +
> +autounfudge - automatically write patches for unfudging spec tests
> +
> +
> +This tool runs the non-pure tests of the C<spectest_regression> make target,
> +automatically creates files with less fudges, runs them again, and if the
> +modified tests succeeds, it adds a patch to C<autounfudge.patch> that, when
> +applied as C<< patch -p0 < autunfudge.patch >>, removes the superflous fudge
> +directives.
> +
> +=head1 USAGE
> +
> +Most common usage: C<perl tools/autounfudge.pl --auto>. For more use cases
> +pleae run this script without any options or command line parameters.
> +
> +=head1 WARNINGS
> +
> +This tool is very platform dependant, and not tested on anthing but linux.
> +
> +It assumes that all fudge directives are orthogonal, which might not be the
> +case in real world tests. It is not tested with nested fudges (eg a line
> +based fudge inside a fudged block).
> +
> +Never blindly apply the automatically generated patch.
> +
> +=head1 MISCELANEA
> +
> +Fudge directives containing the words I<unspecced> or I<unicode> are ignored.
> +The latter is because Unicode related tests can succeed on platforms with icu
> +installed, and fail on other platforms.
> +
> +=cut
> +
> +use strict;
> +use warnings;
> +use Getopt::Long;
> +use Fatal qw(close);
> +use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
> +use TAP::Harness;
> +use TAP::Parser::Aggregator;
> +use Cwd qw(getcwd);
> +use File::Spec;
> +use File::Path;
> +
> +my $impl = 'rakudo';
> +our $debug = 0;
> +our $out_filename = 'autounfudge.patch';
> +
> +if ($^O ne 'linux'){
> +    warn <<'WARN';
> +Warning: this tool is only tested on linux so far. Currently it depends on
> +some linux specific hacks. It requires the `diff' program to be installed.
> +If you test this on any platform other than linux, pleaes report your results
> +}
> +
> +GetOptions  'impl=s'        => \$impl,
> +            'debug'         => \$debug,
> +            'specfile=s'    => \my $specfile,
> +            'auto'          => \my $auto,
> +            or usage();
> +my @files;
> +
> +$specfile = 't/spectest_regression.data' if $auto;
> +
> +if ($specfile){
> +    @files = read_specfile($specfile);
> +}
> +else {
> +    @files = @ARGV or usage();
> +}
> +
> +if (-e $out_filename){
> +    unlink $out_filename or warn "Couldn't delete old unfudge.patch";
> +}
> +our $tmp_dir = tempdir('RAKUDOXXXXXX', CLEANUP => 1);
> +
> +for (@files){
> +    auto_unfudge_file($_);
> +}
> +
> +sub auto_unfudge_file {
> +    my $file_name = shift;
> +    open my $f, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $file_name
> +        or die "Can't open '$file_name' for reading: $!";
> +    print "Processing file '$file_name'\n";
> +    my @fudge_lines;
> +    while (<$f>) {
> +        push @fudge_lines, $. if m/^\s*#\?$impl/ &&
> +            !m/unspecced|unicode|utf-?8/i;
> +    }
> +    close $f;
> +    if (@fudge_lines){
> +        print "Found " . (scalar @fudge_lines) . " fudges...\n" if $debug;
> +    }
> +    else {
> +        print "No fudges found. Nothing to do\n" if $debug;
> +        return;
> +    }
> +    my $fudged = fudge($file_name);
> +    print "Fudged: $fudged\n" if $debug;
> +    if (!tests_ok($fudged)){
> +        print "File '$file_name' doesn't even pass in its current state\n";
> +        return;
> +    }
> +    my @to_unfudge;
> +    for my $to_unfudge (@fudge_lines){
> +        $fudged = fudge(unfudge_some($file_name, 0, $to_unfudge));
> +        if (tests_ok($fudged)){
> +            print "WOOOOOT: Can remove fudge instruction on line 
> $to_unfudge\n"
> +                if $debug;
> +            push @to_unfudge, $to_unfudge,
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    if (@to_unfudge){
> +        my $u = unfudge_some($file_name, 1, @to_unfudge);
> +        system qq{diff -u "$file_name" "$u" >> "$out_filename"};

This is the line that troubles me most. Will that work on Windows and
MacOS? If not, how could I improve it?

> +        unlink $u;
> +    }
> +
> +}
> +
> +sub fudge {
> +    my $fn = shift;
> +    open my $p, '-|', 't/spec/fudge', '--keep-exit-code',  $impl, $fn
> +        or die "Can't launch fudge: $!";
> +    my $ret_fn = <$p>;
> +    chomp $ret_fn;
> +    1 while <$p>;
> +    close $p;
> +    return $ret_fn;
> +}
> +
> +sub usage {
> +    die <<"USAGE"
> +Usage:
> +    $0 [options] file+
> +Valid options:
> +    --debug             Enable debug output
> +    --impl impl         Specify a different implementation
> +    --specfile file     Specification file to read filenames from
> +    --auto              use t/spectest_regression.data for --specfile
> +}
> +
> +sub unfudge_some {
> +    my ($file, $delete, @lines) = @_;
> +    my ($fh, $tmp_filename) = tempfile(
> +            'tempXXXXX',
> +            SUFFIX => '.t',
> +            DIR => $tmp_dir
> +    );
> +    open my $in, '<', $file
> +        or die "Can't open file '$file' for reading: $!";
> +    while (<$in>){
> +        if ($. == $lines[0]){
> +            print $fh "###$_" unless $delete;
> +            shift @lines if @lines > 1;
> +        }
> +        else {
> +            print $fh $_;
> +        }
> +    }
> +    close $fh;
> +    close $in;
> +    return $tmp_filename;
> +}
> +
> +sub tests_ok {
> +    my $fn = shift;
> +    $fn =~ s/\s+\z//;
> +    my $harness = get_harness();
> +    my $agg = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new();
> +    $agg->start();
> +    $harness->aggregate_tests($agg, $fn);
> +    $agg->stop();
> +#    my $agg = $harness->runtests($fn);
> +    return !$agg->has_errors;
> +}
> +
> +sub get_harness {
> +    return TAP::Harness->new({
> +            verbosity   => -2,
> +            exec        => ['../../parrot', '-G', 'perl6.pbc'],
> +            merge       => 1,
> +    });
> +}
> +
> +sub read_specfile {
> +    my $fn = shift;
> +    my @res;
> +    open (my $f, '<', $fn) or die "Can't open file '$fn' for reading: $!";
> +    while (<$f>){
> +        next if m/#/;
> +        next unless m/\S/;
> +        s/\s+\z//;
> +        push @res, "t/spec/$_";
> +    }
> +    return @res;
> +}
> +
> +END {
> +    File::Path::rmtree($tmp_dir);
> +}

Moritz Lenz
http://moritz.faui2k3.org/ |  http://perl-6.de/

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